
Leadership & Culture Transformation for Unprecedented Results

Keith Mercurio

CEO & Founder, Ethical Influence Global, Speaker, Trainer, Coach & Consultant


Leadership & Culture Transformation for Unprecendented Results

Leaders often ask of themselves and their teams...

How do we get to the next level?

Our Success
is Dictated by
Actions Taken

But what drives our actions?

Our Beliefs.

And, what drives our beliefs?

Our Identity (Our belief of who we are and who we are not).

Most training focuses on changing people's actions to create new results, but those types of results are fleeting.

In order to achieve sustainable results, we must help people shift their identities-allowing them to discover who they need to become in order to achieve the results they desire.

This is where transformation happens.

The Ethical
Influence Model

John Maxwell said, "Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less."

But the question EIG seeks to ask and answer is, "How do we learn to influence people in a way that honors and serves them?"

The answers lie in the four-part Ethical Influence model:

Ethical Influence Model-min

Awareness of Self

Ethical Influence starts with becoming aware of how our focus, language, and physiology impacts our experiences and reactions.

Influence of Self

Keith shows us how to shift our language, thereby shifting our focus and matching it with our physiology to summon our ideal state for the moment.

Awareness of Others

The next step of growth is recognizing that our state also fundamentally affects our capability to be aware of others.

Influence of Others

To truly learn to influence people we must recognize our responsibility as leaders to experience people in a way that honors and serves them, thereby giving them the fullest opportunity to live into their possibility. 

Ethical Influence Model-min

At any given point in time, our mental, emotional and physical state creates the lens through which we experience the world around us. Whether we find ourselves happy, sad, frustrated, angry, determined, tired or hungry, etc., it tints the lens of our human experience.

Ethical Influence starts with becoming aware of how our focus, language, and physiology impacts our experiences and reactions.

With this awareness comes the realization that we can, in fact, control how we show up in any given circumstance.

Now that we have developed our awareness of self, the question is, "how do we summon our ideal state for the circumstances at hand?"

Keith shows us how to shift our language, thereby shifting our focus and matching it with our physiology to summon our ideal state for the moment.

By mastering this skill, we'll learn to show up as ideal leaders, regardless of our circumstances.

The next step of growth is recognizing that our state also fundamentally affects our capability to be aware of others.

Usually, when we ask questions and listen to the answers, we are devising our next thought, our next comment, our next point that we're going to make while the other person is still talking and typically we do so from the lens of what we can get versus what we can give.

By bringing genuine curiosity, interest, and intrigue to our conversations, we grow from trying to get to learning to serve. Keith shows you to serve & lead others by really asking and really listening to learn what's most important to them, prioritize their needs and learning to ask ourselves, "How can I contribute?"

"All people get to be is as we choose to see them."

For most of us, we live our lives believing that how we are experiencing things or people around us is how they are. 

Rarely do we stop to consider that how we label someone is authoring that reality. When we start to see people as failing, struggling, not capable, not working hard enough, we attach labels that in turn cause us to experience them in that way. 

To truly learn to influence people we must recognize our responsibility as leaders to experience people in a way that honors and serves them, thereby giving them the fullest opportunity to live into their possibility. 

At any given point in time, our mental, emotional and physical state creates the lens through which we experience the world around us. Whether we find ourselves happy, sad, frustrated, angry, determined, tired or hungry, etc., it tints the lens of our human experience.

Ethical Influence starts with becoming aware of how our focus, language, and physiology impacts our experiences and reactions.

With this awareness comes the realization that we can, in fact, control how we show up in any given circumstance.

Now that we have developed our awareness of self, the question is, "how do we summon our ideal state for the circumstances at hand?"

Keith shows us how to shift our language, thereby shifting our focus and matching it with our physiology to summon our ideal state for the moment.

By mastering this skill, we'll learn to show up as ideal leaders, regardless of our circumstances.

The next step of growth is recognizing that our state also fundamentally affects our capability to be aware of others.

Usually, when we ask questions and listen to the answers, we are devising our next thought, our next comment, our next point that we're going to make while the other person is still talking and typically we do so from the lens of what we can get versus what we can give.

By bringing genuine curiosity, interest, and intrigue to our conversations, we grow from trying to get to learning to serve. Keith shows you to serve & lead others by really asking and really listening to learn what's most important to them, prioritize their needs and learning to ask ourselves, "How can I contribute?"

"All people get to be is as we choose to see them."

For most of us, we live our lives believing that how we are experiencing things or people around us is how they are. 

Rarely do we stop to consider that how we label someone is authoring that reality. When we start to see people as failing, struggling, not capable, not working hard enough, we attach labels that in turn cause us to experience them in that way. 

To truly learn to influence people we must recognize our responsibility as leaders to experience people in a way that honors and serves them, thereby giving them the fullest opportunity to live into their possibility. 

Perry Logan headshot

Director, Corporate Safety & Health

Accelerating Change
to Create Impact

"I love what Keith does. It's really, it's really awesome. I've been in leadership for a long time, he is absolutely one of the greatest leaders I've ever interacted with in my entire career. Keith's ability to get quick, very quick awareness in his audience and then right to a change that makes a big impact is unparalleled."

Sarah Casebier smiling at camera


Own Your Numbers...
and Beat Them

"When Keith came into the business, everyone consciously became responsible for their numbers, and just really created a culture of true accountability. We've been able to watch him really help people transform. That's one of the most gratifying pieces of having Keith here: it's not just Radiant's results, it's everybody's own journey."

Vahe Kuzoyan Headshot

President & Co-Founder

Uncover Your Own

"Keith has this remarkable understanding of human beings and matches individuals, but also teams. And the one thing that I learned from Keith is that none of us, even I, none of us know the boundaries of our own potential."


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A refreshingly practical, participant-centered, and actionable roadmap for lasting, extraordinary results.

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Belief-shifting training and behavioral reinforcement coaching to achieve unprecedented results

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Keith helps executives and their teams elevate their narrative and performance so they can honor and serve themselves and others.

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Leveraging 15+ years of human performance expertise, Keith gives you an actionable roadmap to sustainable peak performance.